
How’s truck to set standards?

According to Circular 42/2014 / TT-BGTVT newly issued MOT 15/9, truck and tipper truck covered roof, car and truck cisterns must meet a number of new provisions.

New regulations on truck tighten safety standards and overloading combat
Accordingly, the truck must have a solid structure, to ensure safety for transporting goods, with the floor, the barrel front, side and rear. Coachwork not have the structure to mount the details and components leading to increased cargo volumes. For the type of convertible cars loaded semi-trailers are designed to carry cargo and the container, they must lock braking arrangement of the containers.


Trunks after installation on vehicles must comply with the following requirements:
– The size limit allows the vehicle to comply with the provisions in the national technical regulations NTR 09: 2011 / BGTVT “national technical standards for the quality of technical safety and environmental protection for cars “national technical Regulation NTR 11: 2011 / BGTVT” national technical standards for quality and technical safety for trailers and semi-trailers. ”
Also, for the dump truck, truck, then the entire length of the truck must comply with the requirements of the entire length of the vehicle (L) as defined in Annex II of this Circular.
– The length of the tail (ROH) is not greater than 60% of the calculated wheelbase (WB) determined in accordance with the principles specified in Appendix III of this Circular.
Whole mass allows the car in traffic and the mass distribution on the axle after mounting coachwork is determined according to the principles specified in Annex III of this Circular.
Mass distribution of key positions to pull (kingpin) of load semi-trailers, including semi-trailers carrying the container (except semi-trailers carrying containers of length all less than 10 m) to ensure that no less than 35% of all traffic participants allowed for semi-trailers loaded with a total of three or more axes; not less than 40% of all traffic participants allowed for semi-trailers with axle loads of the two.
The height of the truck, the cargo volume of the trunk, dump must comply with the provisions in Annex II of this Circular.
The Circular also provides for convertible’s trunk covered as follows: Cushions should be promoted cover.
Roof frame is designed to ensure stability and safety when driving in traffic, the distance between two adjacent bars roof frame (t) is not less than 0.55 m.
Circular 42 took effect on 11.01.2014 and replaces Circular No. 32/2012 / TT-BGTVT. View the contents of Circular 42 / TT-BGTVT here.
The volume of cargo by truck cisterns must comply with the following requirements:
a) The volume of cargo by truck cisterns Vt (not taking into account the volume of goods loaded door) are determined by the geometry inside of cisterns and not greater than the volume is determined by the volume allowing freight traffic participants divided by the specific weight of transported goods mentioned in the specialized literature or in increments announced by the agency, the competent institution. Where freight has a specific weight range of variation in the specific gravity values ​​are stated at the average value of the range of variation.
b) For cisterns containing liquefied gases capable of expansion in the transportation process or be loaded into cisterns under the conditions of pressure and temperature, the volume contains certain goods shall be determined as follows : Vt = 0.9 VHH (VHH which is the volume cisterns are determined by the geometry inside of cisterns).
c) Where no document introduces the features and specifications or between cargo volume value according to the test results on the 10% difference compared to the document introduces the features and specifications of the vehicle the cargo volume of the cisterns are determined by actual test method.